Thursday, February 2, 2023

NS 5.- The Lungs

The Lungs

Your lungs are located in your chest behind your ribcage. They play an important role in your respiratory system. Their job is to help take oxygen from the air you breathe and put it into your blood. Then your blood carries the oxygen to all parts of your body. Your lungs need a helper to do their work. That helper is a muscle called the diaphragm (pronounced “die’-a-fram”). Your diaphragm sits just below your lungs. When you breathe in, or inhale, air travels through your nose or mouth to your lungs. It travels through a tube called the trachea (pronounced “tray’-key-a”). When you inhale, your diaphragm squeezes, and your lungs expand with air. The air you inhale fills tiny sacs in your lungs. Many small blood vessels called capillaries (pronounced “cap’-a-lair-ees”) surround the air sacs in your lungs. Your lungs take oxygen from the air you breathe and give it to the blood in your capillaries. Then that blood travels to all parts of your body, delivering oxygen. Your lungs have another important job. They help remove a waste product called carbon dioxide from your body. Carbon dioxide is in the air that you breathe out, or exhale. Did you know that smoking cigarettes is very bad for your lungs? It makes it much harder for them to do their job. You can protect your lungs and keep them healthy. Get regular exercise, avoid air pollution, and never, ever smoke cigarettes!


Respiratory System Game 


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