Tuesday, January 31, 2023

NS 3 .- The Brain

 The Brain 

The brain is the control center of your body. It is in charge of your memory, your thoughts, your decisions, and even the movements your body makes. It is connected to many nerves that carry signals to all parts of your body, telling it what to do. It is part of the nervous system. Your brain sends messages to your body to tell it what to do. When you want to catch a ball, your brain sends a message across nerves to the muscles in your arm. It tells your muscles to move in the direction of the ball. Your brain also controls things in your body that you don’t have to think about at all. Your brainstem is at the very bottom of your brain. It keeps your lungs breathing and your heart beating. These things happen in your body automatically, thanks to your brain! Your brain receives messages from your body, too. Remember your five senses? They send messages along nerves to the brain. When you touch something hot, a message is sent to your brain telling you about the heat. Then your brain sends a message to the muscles in your arm and hand. It tells your muscles to move away from the heat. This all happens very quickly! Your brain is an amazing organ. It weighs about three pounds. It can send messages at more than 150 miles per hour. But unlike other parts of your body, often it cannot be repaired if it is damaged. Protect your head from accidents, and keep yourself healthy to protect your brain!


The Brain : Video Archive  

What is the brain and how does it work?

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