Tuesday, January 31, 2023

NS 4 .- The Heart

 The Heart

The heart is a hardworking muscle! It is located near the center of your chest. It is about the size of your fist and works all day, every day, pumping blood throughout your body. It is part of the circulatory system and it is protected by your ribs. Your blood contains nutrients and oxygen that are needed by all parts of your body. Your heart’s job is to pump your blood through your body to deliver oxygen and nutrients where they are needed. Blood vessels are the small, thin tubes that carry and deliver blood. Blood that is full of oxygen and nutrients travels through blood vessels called arteries to all parts of your body. Blood vessels also carry blood back to the heart. After your cells take the oxygen and nutrients from your blood, the blood goes back to your heart in blood vessels called veins. Your heart sends that blood to your lungs to get more oxygen. The heart is made up of four spaces called chambers. The two chambers on the right side of your heart receive blood from your body. Your heart pumps that blood to your lungs. The two chambers on the left side receive blood full of oxygen from your lungs. Your heart pumps that blood to the rest of your body. How does your heart do this? It contracts, or squeezes, to push blood through its chambers and out to your body. It works constantly to keep blood moving. It takes less than one minute for blood to move through your body and return to your heart! That heart of yours is a hard worker!


How Your Heart Works? 

The Heart : Video Archive 



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